The Peacock's Tales

A Time to Gather Golden Moments

hibernation Katherine May Roger Ekirch the dark months of the year winter

A Time to Gather Golden Moments

Kick off your shoes.  Snuggle under a thick, cosy blanket with a good book, perhaps a beloved cat or dog curled up next to you, and a cup of something warming by your side. The garden has been put to bed for the year and thoughts turn inwards to home, warmth, comfort, and evenings dreaming by the fire...

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Wildflower Meadows

wild flowers

Wildflower Meadows

Sumer is icumen in,
Loude sing cuckoo!
Groweth seed and bloweth meed,
And springeth wode anew.
Sing cuckoo!

I’ve always loved this song; it’s brimming with hope and happiness, and it makes me think of lush flowering meadows and cool green woods.

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The Gentle Art of Potpourri

how to make pot pourri recipes of long ago the gentle art of potpourri The Peacock's Tales wild flowers

The Gentle Art of Potpourri

Did you ever make rose petal perfume as a child?  My sister and I did; packing rose petals into jam jars, filling them with water and leaving them to rest in the sun...

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Candlemas Bells Fair Maids of February Flora Britannica Little Malvern Priory Snowdrops The Peacock's Tales Vintage Tales wild flowers winter


Pushing through the earth under the gooseberry and blackcurrant bushes, were little pointed green shoots, around them the ground was hard and frost bitten, but it wasn’t putting them off, not a bit of it. Snowdrops! And immediately I was looking forward to spring. 

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